Welcome to the La Costa Meadows Elementary PTO website. We are excited to have you as a part of the LCM Community and are looking forward to seeing you at our annual school events & activities! The LCM PTO is an awesome team of volunteer parents and teachers working together to create a fun, inclusive environment for you and your children.
TO DO: Family Registration on PTO Website
Once you have your teacher assignments, please login or register for a new account for your family on the PTO website! Double check your contact information, and add your child's new grade and teacher. It'll only take a few minutes! This allows us to better communicate with you regarding our upcoming events and grade-level specific events. https://www.lacostameadowspto.org/membership_step1
Did you know....the PTO is the largest outside source of income for our school? We even fund salaries for essential employees like our school’s Social Worker, STEAM Teacher, Intervention Aides for the classroom, and so much more (totaling over $250,000)! But we can’t do it without your help! We ask that each family donates to our WAVE Fund at the beginning of the year to help bridge the gap between public funding and our school's unique needs. Please read more about our Wave Fund Packages and make your donation today!
Our 2024-2025 LCM Spiritwear is for sale all year long! We have expanded our offering to include hats, zippies, sweatpants, and beanies in addition to t-shirts, long sleeves and sweatshirt options for kids and parents. Order online and have shipped directly to your home. Friday's are LCM Dolphin Pride Days!
Register your family today! Once your account is setup, you'll be able to purchase tickets to events, learn about grade-level specific events, and more! Need help? Watch our step-by-step videos.
- Monday, September 16
- Wednesday, September 18
- Friday, September 20
Show your Dolphin pride in new Spirit Wear! Designs and styles for the whole family.